Tuesday 24 March 2009

Ada Lovelace Day

Today we are celebrating Ada Lovelace Day – a day of international blogging to draw attention to women excelling in technology. It’s the idea of Suw CharminAnderson . Suw feels that the contribution of women in the workplace often goes unacknowledged, their innovations seldom mentioned, their faces rarely recognised – so she asked for pledges to nominate women in technology who are unsung heroines.

Having launched PRINCE2® for Girls this month – as well as celebrating Mother’s Day here in the UK – we are very happy to nominate Soma Bhattacharya, author of steppingintoprojectmanagement.blogspot.com – a newbie’s diary.

We met Soma at this year’s BPUG event. She had travelled half way around the world to get to the event and we think her energy, honesty and enthusiasm will take her a long way in her role as a project manager for Atlas Software.

The view of our CEO Melanie Franklin is that all professional people should break out of their day jobs and get networking. They should keep their skills up to date by attending courses, joining associations, and participating in networking sessions. In the current economy, taking a genuine interest in your profession and going the extra mile to show how committed you are, will mean you remain a valuable asset to your organisation.

We think Soma is a shining example of this approach and we salute her – happy Ada Lovelace Day!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the honor.

    P.S. I work as part of the project management team and not a project manager yet:)

    Looking forward to keep reading your blog.



